[FFmpeg-user] ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found
praseetha K
2017-10-27 10:53:09 UTC
Please look in to the issue.

IN /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.c
1 #include <fdk-aac/aacenc_lib.h>
2 #include <stdint.h>
3 long check_aacEncOpen(void) { return (long) aacEncOpen; }
4 int main(void) { int ret = 0;
5 ret |= ((intptr_t)check_aacEncOpen) & 0xFFFF;
6 return ret; }
END /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.c
-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -I/root/ffmpeg_build/include
-std=c11 -fomit-frame-pointer -pthread -I/root/ffmpeg_build/include
-L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib -c -o /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.o
gcc -L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,noexecstack
-I/root/ffmpeg_build/include -L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib -o
/tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.o -lfdk-aac -lm
require_pkg_config libfreetype freetype2 ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H
use_pkg_config libfreetype freetype2 ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H
check_pkg_config libfreetype freetype2 ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H
pkg-config --exists --print-errors freetype2
check_func_headers ft2build.h FT_FREETYPE_H FT_Init_FreeType
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -lfreetype
check_ld cc -I/usr/include/freetype2 -lfreetype
check_cc -I/usr/include/freetype2
BEGIN /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.c
1 #include <ft2build.h>
2 #include FT_FREETYPE_H
3 #include <stdint.h>
4 long check_FT_Init_FreeType(void) { return (long)
FT_Init_FreeType; }
5 int main(void) { int ret = 0;
6 ret |= ((intptr_t)check_FT_Init_FreeType) & 0xFFFF;
7 return ret; }
END /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.c
-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -I/root/ffmpeg_build/include
-std=c11 -fomit-frame-pointer -pthread -I/root/ffmpeg_build/include
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -c -o /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.o
gcc -L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,noexecstack
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -o /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test
/tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.o -lfreetype
require libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
check_lib libmp3lame lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
check_func_headers lame/lame.h lame_set_VBR_quality -lmp3lame
check_ld cc -lmp3lame
BEGIN /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.c
1 #include <lame/lame.h>
2 #include <stdint.h>
3 long check_lame_set_VBR_quality(void) { return (long)
lame_set_VBR_quality; }
4 int main(void) { int ret = 0;
5 ret |= ((intptr_t)check_lame_set_VBR_quality) & 0xFFFF;
6 return ret; }
END /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.c
-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -I/root/ffmpeg_build/include
-std=c11 -fomit-frame-pointer -pthread -I/root/ffmpeg_build/include
-I/usr/include/freetype2 -c -o /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.o
gcc -L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,noexecstack -o
/tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test /tmp/ffconf.ilacQuYh/test.o -lmp3lame
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(vbrquantize.o): In function
vbrquantize.c:(.text+0x194c): undefined reference to `__log10f_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(gain_analysis.o): In function
gain_analysis.c:(.text+0xd8c): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(lame.o): In function `lame_init_params':
lame.c:(.text+0x140c): undefined reference to `cos'
lame.c:(.text+0x192b): undefined reference to `cos'
lame.c:(.text+0x19c4): undefined reference to `cos'
lame.c:(.text+0x1ab0): undefined reference to `cos'
lame.c:(.text+0x1c2f): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
lame.c:(.text+0x1d3b): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(lame.o): In function
lame.c:(.text+0x309f): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
lame.c:(.text+0x30b5): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
lame.c:(.text+0x30cb): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
lame.c:(.text+0x30e1): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(lame.o): In function
lame.c:(.text+0x6f9d): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(lame.o):lame.c:(.text+0x7ce5): more
undefined references to `__log10_finite' follow
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(psymodel.o): In function
psymodel.c:(.text+0x797): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(psymodel.o): In function
psymodel.c:(.text+0x34f9): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x379d): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(psymodel.o): In function
psymodel.c:(.text+0x5ada): undefined reference to `cos'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x5b03): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x5ebb): undefined reference to `cos'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x5ee4): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x629b): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6378): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6733): undefined reference to `cos'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x675c): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6b1b): undefined reference to `cos'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6b44): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6d50): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6dec): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6e8b): undefined reference to `__log_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6ed7): undefined reference to `__log_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x6f55): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x7010): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x70e9): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x718a): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x731f): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x75ef): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x7b32): undefined reference to `cos'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x7b5b): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x7ee9): undefined reference to `cos'
psymodel.c:(.text+0x7f12): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(quantize.o): In function
quantize.c:(.text+0x225f): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
quantize.c:(.text+0x22af): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
quantize.c:(.text+0x303b): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(quantize.o): In function
quantize.c:(.text+0x3766): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(quantize.o): In function
quantize.c:(.text+0x48d1): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(quantize.o): In function
quantize.c:(.text+0x52d9): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(quantize_pvt.o): In function
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x360): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x410): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x4d0): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x598): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x837): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x842): undefined reference to `__log10_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0x891): undefined reference to `cbrt'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xa8a): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xada): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xb32): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xb98): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xbfd): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xc5a): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
quantize_pvt.c:(.text+0xc8f): undefined reference to `__powf_finite'
more undefined references to `__powf_finite' follow
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(util.o): In function `ATHformula':
util.c:(.text+0x52f): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x550): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x571): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x623): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x652): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x673): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x733): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x762): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x783): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x823): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x852): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x873): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x913): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x93c): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0x96d): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0xa41): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
util.c:(.text+0xa62): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
util.c:(.text+0xa8b): undefined reference to `__exp_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(util.o): In function `freq2bark':
util.c:(.text+0xb27): undefined reference to `atan'
util.c:(.text+0xb49): undefined reference to `atan'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(util.o): In function `fill_buffer':
util.c:(.text+0x1cb8): undefined reference to `cos'
util.c:(.text+0x1cdb): undefined reference to `cos'
util.c:(.text+0x1cf8): undefined reference to `sin'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(util.o): In function `init_log_table':
util.c:(.text+0x2393): undefined reference to `__log_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(layer2.o): In function
layer2.c:(.text+0x985): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(layer3.o): In function
layer3.c:(.text+0x20d8): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2105): undefined reference to `cbrt'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2250): undefined reference to `sin'
layer3.c:(.text+0x226a): undefined reference to `cos'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2286): undefined reference to `sin'
layer3.c:(.text+0x22a0): undefined reference to `cos'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2586): undefined reference to `sin'
layer3.c:(.text+0x25a6): undefined reference to `cos'
layer3.c:(.text+0x25c1): undefined reference to `cos'
layer3.c:(.text+0x25dc): undefined reference to `cos'
layer3.c:(.text+0x25fb): undefined reference to `cos'
layer3.c:(.text+0x261a): undefined reference to `cos'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(layer3.o):layer3.c:(.text+0x2635): more
undefined references to `cos' follow
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(layer3.o): In function
layer3.c:(.text+0x2796): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
layer3.c:(.text+0x27ec): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2859): undefined reference to `tan'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2910): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
layer3.c:(.text+0x2966): undefined reference to `__pow_finite'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(tabinit.o): In function
tabinit.c:(.text+0x7e): undefined reference to `cos'
tabinit.c:(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to `cos'
/root/ffmpeg_build/lib/libmp3lame.a(fft.o): In function `init_fft':
fft.c:(.text+0x77f): undefined reference to `cos'
fft.c:(.text+0x79b): undefined reference to `cos'
fft.c:(.text+0x80d): undefined reference to `cos'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found
Thanks and Regards,
Praseetha k.
DevOp engineer
+91 7899 674 842
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Lou Logan
2017-10-27 18:43:03 UTC
Post by praseetha K
Please look in to the issue.
Post by praseetha K
fft.c:(.text+0x80d): undefined reference to `cos'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found
What configure options did you use for ffmpeg?
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Moritz Barsnick
2017-10-28 17:29:19 UTC
Post by Lou Logan
Post by praseetha K
Please look in to the issue.
Post by praseetha K
fft.c:(.text+0x80d): undefined reference to `cos'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found
What configure options did you use for ffmpeg?
It seems to be a very common error recently, with an answer here which
should fix the issue:


ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 18:31:35 UTC
Post by Moritz Barsnick
Post by Lou Logan
Post by praseetha K
Please look in to the issue.
Post by praseetha K
fft.c:(.text+0x80d): undefined reference to `cos'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found
What configure options did you use for ffmpeg?
It seems to be a very common error recently, with an answer here which
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases which
nobody should use - yes, sarcasm - have no problems
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 18:44:57 UTC
Post by Reindl Harald
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases
which nobody should use
You can use them as much as want, but you have to ask for
support where you downloaded them.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 20:13:43 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Reindl Harald
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases
which nobody should use
You can use them as much as want, but you have to ask for
support where you downloaded them

it's simply bull* that a random snapshot has always less bugs as yopu
pretend over years and that was provne in enough cases alone over the
last months
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 20:20:47 UTC
Post by Reindl Harald
it's simply bull* that a random snapshot has always less bugs as
you pretend over years and that was provne in enough cases
alone over the last months
I assume you are talking about 3.4 because I hope you agree that
current 3.3 has a huge number of issues that are fixed in git head,

Since the release of 3.4, several issues were fixed. They will
most likely not be backported and never be fixed in 3.4.

It is true that because of the version bump and the configure
merge, FFmpeg is currently kind of unstable, this happens
approximately every two years. (Last time, nobody complained
specifically, I observed.) I still believe that users have no
disadvantage when using current FFmpeg over 3.4 and in a
short time, current will have a huge advantage over 3.4.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 20:24:44 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Reindl Harald
it's simply bull* that a random snapshot has always less bugs as
you pretend over years and that was provne in enough cases
alone over the last months
I assume you are talking about 3.4 because I hope you agree that
current 3.3 has a huge number of issues that are fixed in git head,
no - at least not for every usecase
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Since the release of 3.4, several issues were fixed. They will
most likely not be backported and never be fixed in 3.4.
so what
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
It is true that because of the version bump and the configure
merge, FFmpeg is currently kind of unstable, this happens
approximately every two years. (Last time, nobody complained
specifically, I observed.) I still believe that users have no
disadvantage when using current FFmpeg over 3.4 and in a
short time, current will have a huge advantage over 3.4
well, but that don't change the fact that most user questions are
completly independent to any special snapshot or version at all and so
the reflex "first built current snapshot" is nonsense

you don#t want to answer questions until you see a ffmpeg output from
the current trunk fine - but stop talking for all list members about
"unsupported" because you are not the list and support in person
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 20:30:08 UTC
Post by Reindl Harald
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Reindl Harald
it's simply bull* that a random snapshot has always less bugs as
you pretend over years and that was provne in enough cases
alone over the last months
I assume you are talking about 3.4 because I hope you agree that
current 3.3 has a huge number of issues that are fixed in git head,
no - at least not for every usecase
I believe I already tried to explain this in the past:
This isn't about "every usecase", I am also not claiming that
current FFmpeg git head contains no bugs, I am not even
claiming that current FFmpeg contains no regressions (although
this was often true until a year ago, this sadly has changed
since), I am claiming two other things:
Current FFmpeg git head has more features than any release
and less bugs (although - sadly - different ones).
Post by Reindl Harald
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Since the release of 3.4, several issues were fixed. They will
most likely not be backported and never be fixed in 3.4.
so what
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
It is true that because of the version bump and the configure
merge, FFmpeg is currently kind of unstable, this happens
approximately every two years. (Last time, nobody complained
specifically, I observed.) I still believe that users have no
disadvantage when using current FFmpeg over 3.4 and in a
short time, current will have a huge advantage over 3.4
well, but that don't change the fact that most user questions are
completly independent to any special snapshot or version at all
How do you know that?
(Without spending time for testing that I can spend on fixing issues)

Remember the opus question this week?
Post by Reindl Harald
and so the reflex
"first built current snapshot" is nonsense
you don#t want to answer questions until you see a ffmpeg output from the
current trunk fine
No, you misunderstand:
Sadly, I am unable to answer the questions without it;-(

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 21:18:49 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
This isn't about "every usecase", I am also not claiming that
current FFmpeg git head contains no bugs, I am not even
claiming that current FFmpeg contains no regressions (although
this was often true until a year ago, this sadly has changed
Current FFmpeg git head has more features than any release
and less bugs (although - sadly - different ones)
and that is *not* true

nobody can quantify if the known fixed bugs are more than the unknown
existing until they are found and reported - period
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Lou Logan
2017-10-28 19:12:02 UTC
Post by Reindl Harald
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases which
nobody should use - yes, sarcasm - have no problems
I believe the git master branch is currently experiencing a cleanup and
merge cycle that has been postponed for some time. Things may break
during this period (but I don't know the current status right now).
Despite this I would argue that the following from the download page is
still true, "Development branch snapshots work really well 99% of the

We never said that "nobody" should use releases–they may be more
convenient for distributors and those who require an unchanging API
(within the same major version). Feel free to use a release version if
you feel compelled to do so, but keep in mind that the guaranteed
backward API and ABI compatibility does not necessarily mean that a
release is more or less stable than the git master branch. Only the git
master branch is supported for bug reports and support. This is because
development activity is so high, and we don't have enough volunteer
resources (number of developers and available free time) to be able to
provide support for all releases.
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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 19:13:31 UTC
Post by Lou Logan
Post by Reindl Harald
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases which
nobody should use - yes, sarcasm - have no problems
I believe the git master branch is currently experiencing a cleanup
Please do me a favor and avoid this word at least here.

Thank you, Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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ffmpeg-user-***@ffmpeg.org with subject "unsubs
Lou Logan
2017-10-28 19:37:02 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Please do me a favor and avoid this word at least here.
Thank you, Carl Eugen
Which word?
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 19:39:35 UTC
Post by Lou Logan
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Please do me a favor and avoid this word at least here.
Thank you, Carl Eugen
Which word?
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here.

Thank you, Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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ffmpeg-user-***@ffmpeg.org with subject "unsubscri
Lou Logan
2017-10-28 19:59:16 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here.
Please do me a favor and do not impose your peculiar behavior and
strange idiosyncrasies onto others. It truly does make this project less

I apologize to the OP for letting this get off-topic. I hope Moritz's
reply worked for you.
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 20:01:58 UTC
Post by Lou Logan
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here.
Please do me a favor and do not impose your peculiar
behavior and strange idiosyncrasies onto others. It truly
does make this project less enjoyable.
I am very happy for you that you weren't there.

I was - unfortunately - there, please do not make fun of me,
it does make spending a huge amount of time on this mailing
list less enjoyable.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 20:16:00 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Lou Logan
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Please do me a favor and avoid this word at least here.
Thank you, Carl Eugen
Which word?
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here
it is your personal problem alone that you consider code-cleanup "abuse"
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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 20:21:39 UTC
Post by Reindl Harald
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here
it is your personal problem alone that you consider code-cleanup "abuse"
No, it is the claim of clean-up that lead to the very issues
you were - rightly! - complaining about.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 20:29:31 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Reindl Harald
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here
it is your personal problem alone that you consider code-cleanup "abuse"
No, it is the claim of clean-up that lead to the very issues
you were - rightly! - complaining about
no it just shows that as for any other software development project on
planet earth ordinary users are supposed to use releases while
delevopment works on trunk and stabilize the codebase for the next
release but you refuse to understand that basics which are true
everywhere but on this list for decades

trunk is supposed to have issues from time to time and so your "trunk
has *always* less errors" is simply a lie - it *may* fix a particular
issue while it may also introduce unknown issues

depending of what the user currently try to achive the probably new and
until now unkonwn issues may cuase all teh problems while one of the
known fixed in trunk is pointless in case of the current task - hence
"trunk has always less bugs" is by definiion a lie - it just may have
less *known* bugs
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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 20:37:36 UTC
Post by Reindl Harald
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Reindl Harald
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
I consider "cleanup" (the word that you strangely cut from the
quotes) in our environment an abuse, please be so kind as
to avoid using it here
it is your personal problem alone that you consider code-cleanup "abuse"
No, it is the claim of clean-up that lead to the very issues
you were - rightly! - complaining about
no it just shows that as for any other software development project on
planet earth ordinary users are supposed to use releases while delevopment
works on trunk and stabilize the codebase for the next release but you
refuse to understand that basics which are true everywhere but on this list
for decades
There is a huge basic misunderstanding here.
I suspect you assume I want FFmpeg to be developed the way I describe it
but in fact I am just explaining that this very "stabilization" (that may happen
for many other projects, I don't know) simply does not exist here: I am here for
more than twenty main releases and every single one was just another
snapshot. The exact timing of the release was sometimes discussed (so
that patches were delayed or pushed) but no other tests than the daily
regression tests were done.
(In addition, I stopped asking for regression fixes before releases because
they were explicitely ignored / refused a few releases ago.)
Post by Reindl Harald
trunk is supposed to have issues from time to time and so your "trunk has
*always* less errors" is simply a lie - it *may* fix a particular issue
while it may also introduce unknown issues
It is not a lie, current FFmpeg does contain bugs but less than any release.

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 21:21:23 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Reindl Harald
trunk is supposed to have issues from time to time and so your "trunk has
*always* less errors" is simply a lie - it *may* fix a particular issue
while it may also introduce unknown issues
It is not a lie, current FFmpeg does contain bugs but less than any release
that is just a unproven claim which can't be proven at all because you
can't count the unknown regressions - it only has less *known* bugs,
that's all - period
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Paul B Mahol
2017-10-28 19:33:31 UTC
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Lou Logan
Post by Reindl Harald
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases which
nobody should use - yes, sarcasm - have no problems
I believe the git master branch is currently experiencing a cleanup
Please do me a favor and avoid this word at least here.
It is experiencing cleanup from all old cruft.
We like to merge Libav commits that cleanup old cruft.
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Carl Eugen Hoyos
2017-10-28 19:40:15 UTC
Post by Paul B Mahol
Post by Carl Eugen Hoyos
Post by Lou Logan
Post by Reindl Harald
i guess this only affects the current snapshot since releases which
nobody should use - yes, sarcasm - have no problems
I believe the git master branch is currently experiencing a cleanup
Please do me a favor and avoid this word at least here.
It is experiencing cleanup from all old cruft.
I wish that were true;-(

Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-user mailing list

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Reindl Harald
2017-10-28 20:21:58 UTC
Post by Lou Logan
We never said that "nobody" should use releases–they may be more
convenient for distributors and those who require an unchanging API
(within the same major version). Feel free to use a release version if
you feel compelled to do so, but keep in mind that the guaranteed
backward API and ABI compatibility does not necessarily mean that a
release is more or less stable than the git master branch. Only the git
master branch is supported for bug reports and support. This is because
development activity is so high, and we don't have enough volunteer
resources (number of developers and available free time) to be able to
provide support for all releases
the problem is that some people thinking they have monopolized the
support on a *users* mailing list which is broken thinking to start with
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