Dmitry Menshikov
2018-10-03 19:01:55 UTC
I'm trying to detect duplication of video frames in live streams. Such
situation occurs when encoder can't encode stream at specified fps. I see
few frames with the same pkt_size. I know that there is filter to detect
similar frames but such technique looks like overkill.
The simplest solution I see is to compare crc of frames.
Is my idea right? Have ffprobe such option? Thank you very much!
P.S. Command I currently use: ffprobe -hide_banner -v error -show_frames
-show_entries frame=media_type,key_frame,pkt_pts_time -i rtmp://host/path
Yours truly, Dmitry Menshikov
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I'm trying to detect duplication of video frames in live streams. Such
situation occurs when encoder can't encode stream at specified fps. I see
few frames with the same pkt_size. I know that there is filter to detect
similar frames but such technique looks like overkill.
The simplest solution I see is to compare crc of frames.
Is my idea right? Have ffprobe such option? Thank you very much!
P.S. Command I currently use: ffprobe -hide_banner -v error -show_frames
-show_entries frame=media_type,key_frame,pkt_pts_time -i rtmp://host/path
Yours truly, Dmitry Menshikov
ffmpeg-user mailing list
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